*Diamond Mountain Retreat Center is a 501(c)(3) organization under IRS regulations.

Your contributions are tax deductible in the United States to the extent allowed by law. You will be mailed a receipt for tax purposes. Please note 10% of all donations goes to Diamond Mountain's general operating fund.


Diamond Mountain is an ambitious undertaking of 30 homes, 5 large public-use buildings, 3 wells, and 5 miles of roadworks with a bare minimum staff of 5 superheros. Our one goal is to provide our guests with the best retreat experience.

In order to achieve our mission we need your help to keep Diamond Mountain functioning at this level and be a leader in ecological development.

Has your life changed for the better through the practices of meditation, selfless service and integrating Buddhist principles such as karmic management and and the world-view of emptiness into your daily life?  Are you one of the many whose life has transformed through retreat or selfless service with us at Diamond Mountain? Do you want to ensure that the rare and ancient teachings of meditation, karma and emptiness are available to others and that there is an opportunity to realize these teachings through study, service and meditation teachings for years to come?  If so, we ask you to support us in this mission that the teachings may stay in this world pure and authentic for years to come.

All donations are tax deductible in the USA. There are many ways to support Diamond Mountain and our mission, choose from program that resonates most with you.


Did you love your retreat experience and want to extend this experience to others?

Adopt your retreat house and become a member of our growing family of House Adopters who are helping Diamond Mountain to grow and reach more and more people!

Diamond Mountain’s beautiful retreat homes were built by meditators for meditators.  Each home was privately designed for and used specifically for deep retreat which were then donated to create our retreat center. As a sponsor, you can join this legacy of generosity.

With the House Adopter Program, you can donate as much as you want on a monthly basis to help maintain and improve your chosen retreat home. Your donations are used to maintain and further develop the retreat cottages, while a portion of each donation goes to overall operating expenses. It’s a great way to make a difference that you can see and feel every time you visit Diamond Mountain.

Giving others the opportunity to meditate in comfort while feeling supported by a staff of expert meditators is a beautiful and smart way to plant the seeds for a great retreat the next time you visit!


Diamond Mountain is a semi-self sustaining retreat center which means we owe our existence in great part to continued and sustained generosity of our donors, individuals whose lives have been transformed through the power of meditation and the Buddhist teachings as well as those guests whose lives have transformed through their visit or volunteering time with us.  

In addition to regular maintenance, we are often taking on larger projects to improve our infrastructure. For example, miles of new roads and new buildings for the hospitality team are two major projects we recently completed thanks to your donations.

There are many ways to support Diamond Mountain and our mission, choose from program that resonates most with you. We want our center to keep getting better and better, for you and all our visitors to enjoy.

All donations are tax deductible in the USA.