Diamond Mountain: Who we are


Diamond Mountain offers unparalleled conditions for retreats of all types. Our 27 private retreat houses, spread over 1,000 acres, offer the highest level of comfort and a joyful connection to the rhythms of nature around you. Enjoy walking paths and spectacular night skies filled with stars. Located in the pristine mountains of AZ, an hour from the nearest grocery store, Diamond Mountain Retreat Center offers a space designed to support you on your journey of self-discovery.

Guided by Buddhist values that hold kindness, service and contemplative wisdom in highest regard, our vision is to provide you with all the conditions necessary to nurture your inner growth for a happier life, regardless of your belief system or religion.

Diamond Mountain retreat houses are available for solo retreat or group rentals. Retreaters are supported by a team of knowledgeable, experienced meditators. Our staff care for our guests in every aspect of their retreat experience, from guidance in how to prepare for your retreat to meditation instruction once you’ve arrived. We host a variety of retreat programs throughout the year.

Between these programs, we also offer meditation, Buddhist and yoga classes and offer a variety of volunteer opportunities for those who want to immerse themselves in a spiritual lifestyle. All our houses are equipped with WIFI and supervised 24 hours for maximum safety. See our calendar for upcoming events. We look forward to meeting you!

Meditation at dome

Our Mission

Nurturing happiness through meditation.

We fully believe in the potential of every person to transform his or her life through the practices of compassion, wisdom and meditation.

By getting in touch with our own inner wisdom, we can find for ourselves everything we need to bring more love, understanding and clarity into our world. To realize the highest form of ourselves, so that we can be of the most benefit to others and for our own happiness.

This fulfillment can’t come from anything external, but at Diamond Mountain, we see it as our mission to provide the best possible conditions for supporting our guests on their journey of self-discovery.

You bring the seeds. We’ll support you and give you a space in which you can focus on watering those seeds.

Our Story

Less than 150 years ago, where Diamond Mountain currently stands was the Wild West with pioneers regularly passing through searching for riches, adventure and the chance for a better life.

At the turn of the millennium, in 2002, a modern group of pioneers came to the site of the current Diamond Mountain searching for treasures of a different kind. They were looking for the inner treasures of a clear, disciplined mind and an open heart. They yearned for the adventure of self-realization and self-perfection, of uncovering their greatest potential for compassion and wisdom that will make their life complete.

Their dream was to give anyone who sought a balanced, meaningful life the opportunity to explore their possibilities in the ideal setting, with all the guidance they need. And so the founders of Diamond Mountain created a place both comfortable and peaceful, remote but accessible, where people from all walks of life can be fully supported in quest for insight.

Over 15 years of dedicated efforts guided by the wisdom of ancient texts and realized teachers, thousands of volunteers and millions of dollars investment, the initial vision has actualized.

Today, Diamond Mountain is among the best retreat facilities in the country, offering world-class accommodations, top-notch facilities and highly professional staff, with options for every budget.

Thousands of people have already transformed their lives at Diamond Mountain.

We welcome you to join them and make Diamond Mountain a part of your life-changing story.

What Guides Us - Our Values

Dharma: Diamond Mountain offers a space for deep spiritual practice, a refuge from the stress and agitation of modern life. As meditators and yogis, we value the commitment to exploring deeper truth, and our staff are a treasure house of knowledge and experience. We love to teach and inspire each other, as well as to connect our guests to authentic spiritual teachings and personal guidance.

Ethical life: We believe that building a better world starts by being a good person. All of our staff and community are committed to living by the highest ethical standards - putting what we study into action! This includes non-violence, honesty, generosity and care for others, in every aspect of our lives.

Service: Diamond Mountain is a labor of love. The hard work of volunteers and dedicated staff members is what built our retreat center and what makes it thrive. We believe that selfless service is a core element along any spiritual path, and so we strive to make volunteer and service opportunities available to anyone who feels this calling.

Inclusivity: Whether you want to practice Buddhist meditation, yoga or Christian prayer, you are welcome here. If you want to go hiking or write a book here, that’s great too. Diamond Mountain is a place for everyone.

Ecology: The facilities of our retreat center were designed according to permaculture principles of sustainable living. We make every effort to make a positive impact on our local ecosystem as well as our larger world. Built from natural materials with eco-smart design, our retreat houses are equipped with solar electricity, compost toilets and greywater irrigation. We believe in taking responsibility for our environment, as a down-to-earth application of spiritual practice.